新概念英语第四册解析重点:The Stuff of Dreams|每日视讯

2023-05-06 09:11:10 来源: 网络

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New words and expressions 生词短语


speculation n. 推测 speculate , predict; speculation: without a complete

knowledge /

predict: based on solid foundation.

I can predict in the near future there will be new type of mobilephone that

is visible


speculate about/on sth. in stocks/ speculator

literally ad. 确实 literal / literature / literate / illiterate / illiteracy

/ antiilliteracy

literal translation 直译法 free translation /paraphrase , I am here today and

gone tomorrow.

word to word 逐字翻译法 strict

The children are literally hungry. 孩子们真的饿了。(ambiguous sentence)

odd a. 奇特的 eccentricity / eccentric, oddity /eccentricity , odd month


leap month 闰月 /even month 小月 , bizarre/ weird /outlandish 怪

in terms of … 就…而言 In terms of our family, wewould like to go on an outing


As for … with regard to

regarding in respect of / as for

tissue n. 组织 (纤维,神经,肌肉…组织) face tissue面巾纸

plausible n. 似乎有理的;区别 reasonable . plausible : seemingly to

What you said is reasonable. I will accept it.

What you said is plausible, but it is not very practical nowadays.

convincing / persuasive

hypothesis n. 假说 thesis / theory , hypo/ under

hypotension 低血压 ,hypocritical, hypocrite 伪君子

hyper , hypertension 高血压 ,hypercritical/picky/finicky 太挑剔 hypersensitive 过敏


am hypersensitive to beef / alcohol.

electroencephalograph n. 脑电图仪 electro / encephalo / graph ,


electrode n. 电极 lightning rod 避雷针

scalp n. 头皮 skull 头颅 , have the scalp of sb. 取胜某人

psychiatrist n. 精神病学家 psychology

punctuate vt. 不时介入 punctuate the passage 给段落加注标点 ,punctuation 标点符号

He punctuates in our talk.

butt in 插句话

punctual / on the dot / in good time / puncture/ acupuncture

jerky a. 急动的 jerk 烦/bore / trial / nuisancesnore / How he snores!

What a jerk / bore / trial / nuisance

on end 连续不断地 I have been learning English for a month on end.

It has been raining for three days on end.

disorder n. 失调 order , mental disorder , nervous / nerve war

disorderly , disorderly house / casino / gambling house

legal / handcuffs / Las Vegas / in rags / as poor as a church mouse

implication n. 表明 imply , What does the second speaker imply ?

You said it. / You can say it again.


Notes on the text 课文注释

1. sweet dream / nightmare / nightmarish experience / dream a dream

die a glorious death

live a comfortable life

tie a tie

2. fairly 相当

I am rather sad. rather clouding

It is fairly sunny. He is fairly handsome. He is rather mean.

3. some : certain

4. nature : 本质

5. literally: actually

6. dream telling / dream teller / fortune teller / palm reader

7. looks as if 看起来像

8. overthrow our former hypothesis 推翻了我们以前的论点

9. a brief period of…

10. to a degree : to some extent / in a sense

Everybody is self-repairing.

muscle stretch / flexibility / spring / elastic

self-correcting / self-adjusting

11. when more or less continuously active. 省略了主语 tissues 和谓语 are

如果出现 when / if / though 句型做状语从句,而主句的主,谓语与从句主,谓语相同,

则从句的主,谓语可以省略。I got to the school though (I was) late.

12. be concerned with : be about

be concerned about

13. might be 表示虚拟语气 were it not=if it were not

for : because but for 若不是

If it were not for his timely help, I would not survive.

But for his timely help, I would not survive.

14. attaching 连接 attaching to

15. pattern : type

lie flat / lie on one’s side / lie on stomach

16. Brain is the center / headquarter

17. fundamental 基本 significant / important

18. dealing with : be concerned with

19. average : common

20. ogle

, I ogle her.

The brain does not rest.

21. exhibiting : showing

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